1st day.....
woke up at 3.00a.m...cause we must reach at [Taj] restaurant before 4.30 a.m.
When get into the bus,we just talk with the ppl tat we know[mgs gang]cause the other we also not really know them.
Our breakfast we ate McD....
Reached our asrama around 9.00a.m,our asrama is ''five star'' de ark...haha..you know wat i mean....the asrama toilet lagi geng....''six star'' de...haha...
Nothing more...after tat all is kawad practice and ceramah.....
At night..cannot sleep..dunno y..maybe drink too many coffe and teh....breakfast[coffe],lunch[teh],dinner[i think teh also],so we sms....till 12.00 something baru tidur.
woke up at 3.00a.m...cause we must reach at [Taj] restaurant before 4.30 a.m.
When get into the bus,we just talk with the ppl tat we know[mgs gang]cause the other we also not really know them.
Our breakfast we ate McD....
Reached our asrama around 9.00a.m,our asrama is ''five star'' de ark...haha..you know wat i mean....the asrama toilet lagi geng....''six star'' de...haha...
Nothing more...after tat all is kawad practice and ceramah.....
At night..cannot sleep..dunno y..maybe drink too many coffe and teh....breakfast[coffe],lunch[teh],dinner[i think teh also],so we sms....till 12.00 something baru tidur.
~Our breakfast..McD~
Our asrama....''five star''....
2nd day.....
yesterday sleep at 12.00 something 2 day woke up 5.00a.m.....Larissa[something wrong with she,she wake up 3.00 a.m....take bath....so cold you know but she say very 'song'.
After everthing settle we go eat our breakfast,then we go to dataran merdeka for practice,the sun is so nice...so hot.
so many ppl pengsan...cause the weather is too hot....we practice for 2 round then go back to the hostel....after lunch..need to kawad some more.
2.30p.m we start to kawad...suddenly rain...starting no really heavy rain,10 minutes after...huahahaha rain heavily.The officer give command'keluar baris'..We 55 run....haha.
We wait at the pavilion,the rain is getting bigger.
We play water...take pic...talking...some of them play games.....
After rain stop,continue to kawad...my sport shoes spoil ady so my socks get wet....
2 day dun have ceramah at night...so we are free...Larissa say wan to eat meat so we pui her...gary come with us...like our body guard..haha..
After eat....9.00p.m only...we sit down and practice how to sing the st.john song cause 2mr we must sing it...then talking...till 11.00 something.
2day..can sleep straigh away....too tired.
~take pic early in the morning~
~dataran merdeka~
Gary took tis pic
when the rain stopped..we continue
~at night,we go makmak stall to eat~
~Me,LY~QY~Joey~Gary~sry i dunno his name~SK~
The real day....
Woke up 4.30a.m....2day all look vry smart cause wearing st.john uniform...after packing...we bring our luggage go down.the last breakfast at there.we leave at 7.30a.m like tat.
At dataran merdeka..so many ppl...wah...many of them wearing like the perdana menteri...haha
2day not only we all at the padang...all those join icc de also come.they are thousand of them...
After kawad....sure take pic lah...dunno how many hundred pic we take..wakaka
After tat when Time Square....then go back Kuantan.
In the bus tat time,we sing...we play...we talk..we watch movie....now is not same with the first day ady cause we are know each other ady..haha..
Woke up 4.30a.m....2day all look vry smart cause wearing st.john uniform...after packing...we bring our luggage go down.the last breakfast at there.we leave at 7.30a.m like tat.
At dataran merdeka..so many ppl...wah...many of them wearing like the perdana menteri...haha
2day not only we all at the padang...all those join icc de also come.they are thousand of them...
After kawad....sure take pic lah...dunno how many hundred pic we take..wakaka
After tat when Time Square....then go back Kuantan.
In the bus tat time,we sing...we play...we talk..we watch movie....now is not same with the first day ady cause we are know each other ady..haha..
i mede many new friends:Gary,Sk,Chi Haw,Han Nan,Melissa,Kong,Chan and so on....
Packing finish...wan go down ady
~The End~
Friends...if you wan any pic,you tell me ok><
Finally i write finish...i have been spend many time to type it.~.~!
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